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Category: Microsoft 365

Tips to Better Work from Home

Despite being working in a Technology Consultant, I was also one of those who didn’t believe that I could get to Work from Home as usual.

I believed that each activity should take in the place intended for it, such as studying in the library, working in the office or resting at home. But as a result of the Covid we have had to adapt immediately and unexpectedly to Teleworking and many companies without having the equipment or the appropriate material to carry out daily work from home.

The first days were complicated, we weren’t used to doing all the activities of our day to day in the same meters without being able to go out. But as the days passed, we adapted more and more and began to function as a totally digital company. Each day that passed during the confinement I was surprised by the advantages of working from home. In this way we discovered that we could be just as effective (and even more) from anywhere in the world.

But the best came after Confinement, being able to go out before or after work made the tasks at home totally change. Now we had more spaces to spend free time.

The reconciliation of Teleworking means in the long run that to work you only need your laptop and a good connection.
After this short story and from my experience, I am going to give you some infallible tips so that you can work from home as if you were in the Office.

Organization, Organization, Organization

This is the main key to carry out the Work from Home. If you don’t have planned the tasks that you are going to develop during the day and the schedules, this can turn into a real disaster.

For this reason, my advice for a good organization and the one that we have followed at Aleson ITC is, every day be clear about all the tasks that you are going to develop, as you progress, cross out or eliminate the tasks that have already been done. This way, everything will be much easier.

At the end of the day it is advisable to meet with your team to compare the actions carried out and see what has been pending in order to continue moving forward during the week.

There are various Task planning tools, in our case we use the Planner, an app included within Microsoft Teams.
Here you have an explanatory video of how it works (only in Spanish).

Aprendiendo a usar Microsoft Teams con Planner para dinamizar Equipos en Tiempos de Teletrabajo.

Make the most of the Hours

When you are planning the daily organization it’s important to leave the harder work or that needs a higher level of concentration for the first hours of the morning. During the first hours of the day our brain is more active and with greater capacity to concentrate, so it is important to leave the most monotonous work for the last hours.

Create your Work Environment

This is one of the fundamental points, it’s necessary to differentiate the space of the house for leisure or rest and the space for Work.
Create your space and make it clear to the rest of the inhabitants of the house that this is your Workplace and they must respect it. Arrange it and decorate it as you feel most comfortable to inspire you work environment.

Don’t work in Pajamas

In order for your mind and body to feel that they are in a work environment, it’s essential to get dressed, shower, change clothes and even go for a walk before starting the day to start the day with energy.
Working with the same clothes we sleep in gives us the feeling of an attitude of rest.

Maintain Connection with your Coworkers

Being in communication with your colleagues, as well as sharing the experiences and opinions will help you make each day you spend at home much more enjoyable. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is isolating yourself and just doing your job.
It’s completely necessary to socialize as we did in the office.

Communicate with your Boss

The boss or the person in charge of your team must be aware of the tasks you are carrying out as they would in the office, that is why it is important to report the status of the tasks to them without having to ask them.

Play Music

One of the things that has helped me on the days when you’re not as active is music without lyrics. Setting the mood with light music can make your day more enjoyable.

And it’s all for today. It’s important to have collaborative tools that allow you to communicate and increase the dynamism of tasks and transactions between colleagues.

If you use or are thinking of implementing Microsoft Teams, don’t miss my previous post about its New Features.

If you want more information on how to implement Teleworking, do not hesitate to contact us at or by calling +34 962 681 242.

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