Fran Lens
Fran Lens
Nos encontramos en unos tiempos en los que muchas empresas están migrando a Azure, ya sea total o parcialmente. Uno de los primeros elementos que se aventuran a probar es el almacenamiento y más en concreto el Backup a Azure, ya que sobretodo las empresas pequeñas no tienen un Read More
Nacho Cotanda
Nacho Cotanda
Como bien sabemos desde hace poco está disponible la preview de SQL Server 2016 para Linux, la RTM tiene previsto lanzamiento en 2017. Nosotros no nos íbamos a quedar atrás y nos hemos puesto a probarlo en nuestro entorno de Azure. Instalando instancia SQL Server Primero de todo vamos a crear un Read More
Fran Lens
Fran Lens
Within days, June 20th, will be one year since I joined Avanade Spain, so I think that is a good moment to stop and think over all learned in the last 366 days. I can safely say that this was the year that I’ve grown Read More
Fran Lens
Fran Lens
Time ago, I created an automated batch procedure to create an SQL Server 2008 R2 Installer with Integrated SP1, known as Slipstream, now in SQL Server 2012 this was replaced with a new funcionality called Product Updates. With the Product Updates funcionality we can integrate Read More
Fran Lens
Fran Lens
After a failed update from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1, I decided to use the Repair option of the installer, the SQL Server resource was repaired correctly, but the SQL Server Agent couldn’t start. The Agent service didn’t appear in the Read More
Fran Lens
Fran Lens
A friend asked me about a dynamic script to reduce the DB Log File based on the total size of DB Data Files, here is the answer: Fran LensConsultor Senior SQL Server & BI con 9 años de experiencia, MCSE Data Platform con conocimientos de Read More
Fran Lens
Fran Lens
A few days ago i was looking for a script to let me know when was the last execution of a job, so I can review the jobs that were not executed in the last year and delete the ones not needed, but i couldn’t Read More